The Law of Attraction in business can have a direct impact on the results you get in your business and in your personal life as well.
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In a previous podcast episode I spoke about whether the interlink between business and personal life and not really having any real boundaries in place, is healthy or not. And in my opinion it isn’t.
I wanted to delve into that a little bit deeper in terms of the law of attraction, mindset and energetics as well. Now, I have been into personal development for quite some time, and there’s various reasons why I got into it in the first place, but I’ve always wanted to make sure that I am developing myself personally and professionally, so I can be the best version that I can possibly be for myself, but for other people in my life and in my business life as well.
So here’s the thing, with the interlink between business life and personal life – when I say your life becomes your business and your business becomes your life. It’s so true. I would love to know if you agree with this or not. From an energy and mindset perspective – this will have an impact on your business and how you’re showing up within it, whether it’s marketing your offers and more.
If you are having a bad day, what kind of an impact do you think that’s having on the way you show up in your business, in the way you serve your clients, in how you market your offers and how you conduct yourself in general?
And also in terms of the law of attraction, as well… If you’ve woken up the wrong way or you’ve had a bad night’s sleep, obviously that’s going to have an effect on you for the rest of the day. If something crops up during the day and it’s rather challenging, it’s dragging you down, it’s causing quite a lot of negative thinking – what kind of impact do you think that is having on you in terms of how you are showing up online and again, how you’re marketing your services, how you’re conducting yourself, and how you’re serving your clients?
I’ve spoken about this before in previous social media posts as well, so you’ve really got to be making sure that you are protecting yourself in terms of your energy, in terms of your vibration and the frequency that you’re operating at, and in terms of your mindset as well.
One of the things that I like do is change my state.
And obviously this works for everybody, but you’ve got to find what specifically works for you. For me, it’s listening to music, in particular pop music. I’m a real fan of pop music and dance music, so for me it’s got to be feel good music. The lyrics have got to be good, it’s got to have a good beat as well and you’ve got to be able to have a little bit of a dance to it. If I wake up tired int he morning and I know I’ve got client calls and client work to do, I want to show up online and market my offers and things like that – I make sure I change my state and music does that for me. I’ve got a feel good playlist on Spotify that I put on, called it Energy Elevation and I listen to that almost every single day and throughout the day as well when I’m doing client work, because I want to be in a high vibe place.
The law of attraction quite simply (if you don’t know this already), is if you are acting, thinking and feeling positively, then positive things are going to come your way. It’s the same for negativity – if you are acting, thinking, feeling negatively, then more negative things are going to come your way. For years, I’ve always tried to make sure I think in a really positive way because I want to attract more positive things into my life. By changing my state with the use of music, it means that I can change my mood, I can change the way I’m thinking, I can change the way that I’m feeling, which means I essentially change my energetic state. This then means I’m in a better place in terms of positivity to then attract more positivity towards me.
There’s loads of different things that work for different people.
I would love for you to be mindful of how you are thinking, what you’re feeling throughout the day and how that’s impacting your mood. How are you as a person – your thoughts and your feelings, and what impact is that having on your business? Why not spend half a day being really aware of your thoughts and feelings and what’s coming up for you in your mood – really consciously think about and think about how is this affecting your business and what can you do about this?
Is what’s going on with you and in your personal life – if it’s a bit of mayhem, if there’s negativity there – is that reflecting into the results you’re getting in your business? And if it is, what can you do about it?
You’ve got to find what works for you. Here’s what works for me, in particular:
- I listen to music because that helps me change my state very quickly.
- I like to go for a walk because that helps me think, gets me outside and in the fresh air and in nature.
- Exercising is really good as well because again, you’re changing energetic state, you’re letting those endorphins kick in, you’re feeling good about yourself because you’re moving your body and you’re doing something positive.
And that’s the thing – you want to be looking at what makes you or helps you feel good and do more of that.
Like attracts like and dislike attracts dislike. So, if you are sitting thinking you’re not really getting any results in your business, but actually you’ve got quite a lot of stuff going on in your personal life, the interlink can be unhealthy because one can impact the other hugely. Just like if you have a great day in your business, a new client signs up to work with you – obviously that’s going to make you feel really good and then when you transition between business life to personal life, obviously that’s going to have a positive impact on how you’re feeling and how you’re going about the rest of your day in your personal life.
Hopefully you can see how the two interlink so intrinsically together, so it’s really important to make sure that your energy, your vibe and your mood and how you’re feeling is in the right place every single day.
Something else I do is journaling. I swear by it, probably because I’m an introvert. Journaling comes really easy to me and I like to free write, where all I do is get my journal out every single day and I just journal on how I’m feeling and what’s going on. Then I reflect on what I’ve written and coach myself. Sometimes I give myself a bit of a pep talk, I re-motivate myself to keep going and to change my state. Releasing those thoughts in my mind helps hugely because it gets them out of my head onto paper. I don’t have to think about them anymore unless I’m taking action on something that I’ve written which I know I need to do.
By sharing this, I hope it’s helped you really think about what is going on in your personal life, how is that reflecting in how you are showing up in your business life and vice versa. And again, that question of what do you need to do about this? How can you help yourself? How can you change your state? How can you become better in terms of your frequency, your vibration? How can you feel more positive about things and what do you need to do to help you get there?
It’s vitally important that you’re operating from the right vibe, especially in terms of the law of attraction.
P.S. If you’d like help transforming your business, branding and marketing here are a few ways I can help you…
1. Book in a for FREE Strategy Call with me by contacting me with the word ‘ELEVATE’.
2. Join the Freedom Seeking Entrepreneur FREE community full of entrepreneurs on Facebook – The Freedom Seeking Entrepreneur Community.
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