Create an aligned brand to boost the success of your business.
What do I mean by an aligned brand? Well, let’s first look at what a mis-aligned brand looks like.
These are just some of the symptoms of a mis-aligned brand and I see a lot of business owners struggling all the time with these.
Changing brand colours all the time – this means you’re not 100% satisfied with your brand colours and changing them all the time shows they’re not fully in alignment with who you are, your brand values and who you want to serve (your ideal clients).
Ashamed of how your brand looks – one of my previous clients came to me a few years ago, having designed her own logo previously and she said she was ashamed about handing her business cards out because she knew they didn’t look professional. After we worked together she was handing her business cards out to everyone with pride and confidence. I want the same for you too.
You think your brand is boring – with all brands, they need to 100% reflect you and what you’re all about and if you think your brand is boring, it means it’s not doing it’s job properly.
Inconsistent look across everything – this is a BIG one and one that a lot of business owners struggle with. Consistency is key in creating a recognisable brand, which means consistently using your brand colours, fonts and brand elements, but also consistency in your messaging, story and content.
Working with nightmare clients – if you feel like all you do is attract nightmare clients on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, then it means you’re lacking that in-depth knowledge you need about your ideal clients. Your ideal clients are those perfect clients who love working with you and who value you, and you love working with them. So tell me, are you working with nightmare clients?
Your brand doesn’t reflect you – this is another big one. A lot of the time, a logo is DIYed at the beginning of a business owners journey or created on a very low budget. By doing this, you’ll find that you’re not 100% happy with your brand and logo and actually this is what spurs on the changing of brand colours and fonts all the time – creating that lack of consistency. If one element of your brand is out of alignment, all the other elements will be too.
You don’t have any confidence in your brand – this happens a lot too. This relates to feeling ashamed of your brand and thinking it’s boring. The thing is, you need to LOVE your brand and you need to feel proud, excited and confident about your brand. This is in turn will help you increase your visibility and show up fully as yourself.
You keep putting out mixed messages – what do you want to be known for? Can you niche and be known for one thing only? Because this is what it takes to have a clear message for a specific audience. If you keep sending out mixed messages, how will your ideal client know firstly that you exist and secondly know exactly what you do.
So let’s be honest right now – are you experiencing any of these right now? If so, it means you have a mis-aligned brand.
The good news is you can do something about this right now to create an aligned brand.
An aligned brand means having content, a story and messaging which is 100% reflective of you and which also speaks directly to your ideal clients.
An aligned brand means being 100% confident in your brand and it giving you the boost to put yourself out there even more.
And an aligned brand means creating consistency so your business becomes recognisable and you become an influencer for what you do.
To help you with this even more, I’ve created a FREE guide for you to download here, which shares the 3 Secrets to a Sustainable, Successful and Scalable Brand, so if you’re ready to upgrade from a logo to a brand, and prove that you are in business for a reason, then download your copy now.