The ‘trust factor’ is huge in every buying process, especially if you’re serviced based and a personal brand.
This means your ideal clients need to be able to trust you in order to invest in you/your services.
Why trust matters for your brand.
True or false: In order for someone to buy from you, they need to trust you.
They need to trust that your service is right for them. Trust that YOU are right for them and trust that they are going to get results from working with you.
How many times do you think a person is going to look at your website, your sales page, your social media and consume all of your content before they decide to invest in you? For a few days? A few months? A year? Knowing what kind of a buyer your ideal client is will help you with this, but also clarity around WHO your ideal client is. Once you know this, you can create content that speaks directly to them, elevating the trust factor even more.
Pair that with consistently showing up and adding value and you are onto a winner.
Ask yourself: What do my ideal clients need to SEE from me in order to trust I am the right person for them? Hint: They need to SEE a brand and a person they can trust, which is why consistency across ALL your visuals will play a part in your customer’s journey from being interested to invested.
Which area of your brand do you need to work on first to make it more consistent?
One of the most common mistakes to avoid – a lack of visual consistency.
Photos on social media being completely different to photos on websites and to who you are in real life. Different logos being used on different platforms and on websites. Social media feeds looking completely different to websites and vice versa.
Your people will be looking at ALL of your content and platforms.
If you want to create a brand people can trust, then consistency is key. Consistency then leads to recognition and recognition = expectation. When people recognise your brand and content they know what they’re going to expect from you and this is what creates trust, because they know it’ll be good.
So how can you elevate your brand’s trust factor?
By using the same:
Look and feel across EVERYTHING.
Ask yourself: How consistent is your brand right now across all your platforms?
An example of using visual consistency to create trust…
Here is an example below of some design work I recently completed for a client of mine, all for a variety of platforms.
As you can see, everything looks and feels the same. The text has been laid out the same way, the colours and fonts are consistent throughout and layouts too.
This is what creates trust, so looking at all your platforms now – can you honestly say everything is consistent from a visual perspective?
I made my own big mistake two years ago when I rebranded my own business.
I had my first photoshoot and I went ALL OUT – hair, make up, personal stylist – the lot. The photos were and still are beautiful and the photographer did an AMAZING job.
A few months later I was asked to guest speak at a networking event and one of my professional photos was used to advertise the fact it was going to be me speaking. I turned up at the networking event, sat down and started talking to some of the ladies before the meeting started. I soon discovered they didn’t realise it was me who was guest speaking because they were talking about me while I was sitting there.
When I pointed out the fact that it was me, I got a shock… “you look completely different to your photo on the event.”
It suddenly dawned on me – the hair, the make up, the personal stylist – as nice as it all was, it wasn’t a true presentation of me and who I am on a daily basis.
Most days I barely wear any make up, my hair is never curled (which it was in the photos) and the tops and jewellery I wore on the photoshoot… never worn them since!
This is why when clients come to work with me on their rebrand, they also get access to a guide on how to prepare for a professional photoshoot.
Always remember to show you and your brand in its truest light – it builds trust even more.
Have you ever made this mistake before?
What I’ve learnt about creating a trustworthy brand from being in business for 6 years…
1. Add value.
If you can consistently add value up front before someone buys from you, then it shows you are an authority in what you do and you will create even more trust between you and your audience.
2. Run your business with integrity.
From how you conduct yourself with your clients, through to what you post online. It all matters and it all adds to your brand experience.
3. Stay true to your values.
I’ll try and keep this short. Your values live at the heart and soul of your brand so it’s important that you stay true to them – through all your visuals, the experience you are providing to your clients, within your communications and for you too.
For example: If one of your values is freedom – how are you creating freedom within your business AND life?
4. Your health is important.
You are your greatest business asset, especially if you are a personal brand and service based, so make sure you are looking after your health and all aspects of it, not just physical.
5. Be consistent.
Online and offline, with your clients, within your marketing, within your serving and within your messaging.
Consistency = recognition = trust.
6. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and do business your way.
If something goes against your core values – don’t do it. Do it your way instead.
Which one of these resonates the most with you and what one action can you take today to create more consistency within your branding?