The ‘trust factor’ is huge in every buying process, especially if you’re serviced based and a personal brand. This means your ideal clients need to be able to trust you in order to invest in you/your services. Why trust matters for your brand. True or false: In order for someone...
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Jill came to me in 2019 asking for help to rebrand her business. I'd actually already worked with Jill previously, designing a lead magnet for her in 2017, so it was nice to know I'd be working with her again and see how Jill's business had evolved in those two...
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We are ALL organic brand ambassadors, whether we realise we're doing it or not. If you had to recommend ONE skincare brand to a friend of yours, which one would you recommend and why? Or, if you had to recommend using only ONE email marketing platform, which one would you...
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There is inspiration all around us - in nature, places and in history and cultural traditions. And in the different seasons as well. We just have to be open to see it. Autumn has arrived in the UK and I love this time of year. The leaves are starting to...
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If 2020 has taught us one thing - it's that anything can happen, and pretty much overnight too. This is why it's vitally important that you review your brand on a regular basis. Because anything really could happen and the last thing you want is to be left behind while...
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