Is it healthy to interlink personal life and business life? Let's talk about boundaries and the interlink of business and life, and actually how healthy is that? Listen to the podcast version below, or if you prefer reading, read on. Boundaries are really important, especially healthy boundaries too. If you've...
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Podcast relaunch - it's back and with a bang. Listen to the podcast version of this blog below. I've decided to relaunch my podcast (which I quietly launched last year as The Caregiving Business Owner podcast) but things got on top of me and something had to give. I'm now...
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I delivered a guest expert training all around content marketing and branding a month or so ago and I got asked a really interesting question: "Is it okay to share personal content?" So, I thought I'd share my answer with you here in the hope it helps you too. In...
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Have you ever worked with a brand designer and it didn't work out? Did you feel like they just didn't "get it" or you/your brand? I've heard this time and time again from ladies who have had bad experiences in the past with other designers and it breaks my heart....
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Have you ever fumbled around in the dark, trying to find something and it’s only when you turn the light on, that you can then find what it is you were looking for? The same goes when it comes to branding. You can fumble around with it for as long...
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