What is your 2020 Brand Vision?
January can involve a lot of business planning for the year ahead, but if you’re super organised you might already have your plan in place for the year ahead. Well done if this is you!
On the other hand, if you’ve found yourself still exploring ideas for the year ahead or you haven’t had the chance to put a plan in place yet, then this is for you. This is your chance to dream big and work backwards, looking at how are you going to reach those goals for your business and life.
My business turns 5 today and one of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt is: have a plan!
Year after year I’ve had every intention of creating a plan for my business and I always think I’ll create a plan over the festive period between Christmas and it’s never happened… until a month ago! And I must say, having that plan in place really helps give you focus, keeps you on track and helps you move the needle in your business to get you closer to where you want to be.
So, without further ado, I want to introduce you to a different take on creating a plan for your business, hence the name – 2020 Brand Vision. This is because I want to open you up to looking at things from your brand’s perspective.
So, let’s dive in and create your 2020 Brand Vision.
Before we begin, I would love for you to make yourself comfortable. So if that means getting a cup of tea or coffee, moving to a more comfortable seat, putting some of your fave music on in the background, then do it! Don’t forget a notebook and pen too – you’re going to need these.
Next, I’d like you to spend a couple of minutes just sitting comfortably with your hot drink, thinking about what you’re grateful for in this moment, right now. This is going to help you get into the right mindset for what we’re about to do next.
Grab your notebook and pen and write down EVERYTHING you want to achieve within your business and life. All your goals and dreams. This could be things like, a new car, a house in the country, a holiday to Bali, 3 months travelling around the world, a best-selling award-winning book, a retreat in Switzerland, a healthy you on the inside and outside etc. Spend as long as you need on this. You can get creative with it too – write out words, doodle and draw pictures etc.
Now, with all of this in mind, close your eyes and dream BIG for your business for the next year!! And remember, the sky is the limit!
Imagine you’ve fast forwarded a year ahead and ask yourself these three questions:
- What have you achieved? In business and in life?
- How do you feel about your business and life?
- What can you see? Who can you see?
- Who are you working with?
- Where are you working?
- Who are you?
Take all of your answers and write them down and spend a few minutes really immersing yourself in what you’ve written down. I know I said the sky is the limit, but you can also only do so much in a year, so we want to get realistic here in terms of what is achievable too.
Now from a branding perspective, I’d now love for you to think about this really important question: does your brand as a whole support your 2020 vision?
Let’s break that question down even further:
- Does your brand mission align with your vision for 2020?
- Will your brand values support you in the next year? Will they align with your services/products?
- Does your visual brand (your logo, colours, fonts, graphics, all designed items) appeal to the clients you want to be working with in a years time?
- Does your current core brand message support your 2020 vision? Does it appeal to your ideal clients?
- Do your photos and website show who you are in the most authentic way, but as your future self, now?
Now I don’t want to overwhelm you with even more questions, so these are just a few to get you started with your 2020 brand vision, but in a different way.
If you’re not sure about some of the answers, that’s okay. Not everyone can plan every minute detail, but this is a great starting point for you.
You see, branding, as I’ve said before (which I say a lot too) is more than just a logo. It’s about your mission, values, personality, story, signature, core message and lots more. I have created loads of free resources in my free Bring a Brand to Life Facebook group which can help you with each of these brand elements, so why not join us in there. Not only are there loads of resources to help you, but the group is full of amazing ladies ready to support you in your brand journey. And if you have any questions or you want to chat through your 2020 brand vision with me, let me know.